
Supporting Information 1 Organising Reproducible Data Analyses

Emma Rand

11 February, 2025


Session overview

In this workshop we will discuss why reproducibility matters and how to organise your work to make it reproducible. We will cover:

  • What is reproducibility
  • How to achieve reproducibility
  • Rationale for scripting
  • Project-oriented workflow
  • Code formatting and style
  • Coding algorithmically
  • Naming things
  • And some handy workflow tips

Slide navigation


What is reproducibility?

Two by Two cell matrix. Columns are Data, either same or different. Rows are Analysis either same or different. Each of cells contain one of the definitions for reproducibility

The Turing Way’s definitions of reproducible research


Two by Two cell matrix. Columns are Data, either same or different. Rows are Analysis either same or different. Each of cells contain one of the definitions for reproducibility

The Turing Way’s definitions of reproducible research

Reproducible: Same data + same analysis = identical results. “… obtaining consistent results using the same input data; computational steps, methods, and code; and conditions of analysis. This definition is synonymous with”computational reproducibility” (National Academies of Sciences et al. 2019). This is what we are concentrating on in the Supporting Information.


Two by Two cell matrix. Columns are Data, either same or different. Rows are Analysis either same or different. Each of cells contain one of the definitions for reproducibility

The Turing Way’s definitions of reproducible research

Replicable: Different data + same analysis = qualitatively similar results. The work is not dependent on the specificities of the data.


Two by Two cell matrix. Columns are Data, either same or different. Rows are Analysis either same or different. Each of cells contain one of the definitions for reproducibility

The Turing Way’s definitions of reproducible research

Robust: Same data + different analysis = qualitatively similar or identical results. The work is not dependent on the specificities of the analysis.


Two by Two cell matrix. Columns are Data, either same or different. Rows are Analysis either same or different. Each of cells contain one of the definitions for reproducibility

The Turing Way’s definitions of reproducible research

Generalisable: Different data + different analysis = qualitatively similar results and same conclusions.

Why does it matter?

  • Many high profile cases of work which did not reproduce e.g. Anil Potti unravelled by Baggerly and Coombes (2009)

  • Five selfish reasons to work reproducibly (Markowetz 2015). Alternatively, see the very entertaining talk

  • Will become standard in Science and publishing e.g OECD Global Science Forum Building digital workforce capacity and skills for data-intensive science (OECD Global Science Forum 2020)

How to achieve reproducibility

  • Reproducibility is a continuum. Some is better than none!

  • Script everything

  • Organisation: Project-oriented workflows with file and folder structure, naming things

  • Code: follow a consistent style, organise into sections and scripts (be modular), Code algorithmically

  • Documentation: Readme files, code comments, metadata,

  • More advanced: version, control, continuous integration and testing (not required for Supporting Information)


Rationale for scripting

  • Science is the generation of ideas, designing work to test them and reporting the results.

  • We ensure laboratory and field work is replicable, robust and generalisable by planning and recording in lab books and using standard protocols. Repeating results is still hard.

  • Workflows for computational projects, and the data analysis and reporting of other work can, and should, be 100% reproducible!

  • Scripting is the way to achieve this.

Organisation of Supporting Information

Project-oriented workflow

  • use folders to organise your work

  • you are aiming for structured, systematic and repeatable.

  • inputs and outputs should be clearly identifiable from structure and/or naming

Example: SI itself is an RSP

-- stem_cell_rna
   |__raw_ data/            

Example: SI includes an RSP

-- stem_cell_rna

RStudio Projects revisited

RStudio Projects

  • RStudio Projects make it easy to manage working directories and paths because they set the working directory to the RStudio Projects directory automatically.

RStudio Projects

-- stem_cell_rna
   |__raw_ data/            
   |__README. md

The project directory is the folder at the top

RStudio Projects

-- stem_cell_rna
   |__raw_ data/            
   |__README. md

the .RProj file is directly under the project folder1. Its presence is what makes the folder an RStudio Project

RStudio Projects

  • When you open an RStudio Project, the working directory is set to the Project directory (i.e., the location of the .Rproj file).

  • When you use an RStudio Project you do not need to use setwd()

  • When someone, including future you, opens the project on another machine, all the paths just work.

RStudio Projects

Jenny Bryan

In the words of Jenny Bryan:

“If the first line of your R script is setwd(”C:/Users/jenny/path/that/only/I/have”) I will come into your office and SET YOUR COMPUTER ON FIRE”

Creating an RStudio Project

There are two menus options:

  1. Top left, File menu

  2. Top Right, drop-down indicated by the .RProj icon

They both do the same thing.

Creating an RStudio Project

Then Choose: New Project | New Directory | New Project

Make sure you “Browse” to the folder you want to create the project.

❔ Is your working directory a good place to create a Project folder?

Creating an RStudio Project

When you create a new RStudio Project

  • A folder called bananas/ is created
  • RStudio starts a new session in bananas/ i.e., your working directory is now bananas/
  • A file called bananas.Rproj is created
  • the .Rproj file is what makes the directory an RStudio Project

Opening and closing

You can close an RStudio Project with ONE of:

  1. File | Close Project
  2. Using the drop-down option on the far right of the tool bar where you see the Project name

Opening and closing

You can open an RStudio Project with ONE of:

  1. File | Open Project or File | Recent Projects
  2. Using the drop-down option on the far right of the tool bar where you see the Project name
  3. Double-clicking an .Rproj file from your file explorer/finder

When you open project, a new R session starts.

Code formatting and style

Code formatting and style

“Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread.”

The tidyverse style guide

Code is not write only.

Code is communication!

Code formatting and style

We have all written code which is hard to read!

We all improve over time.

Code formatting and style

Some keys points:

  • be consistent, emulate experienced coders
  • use snake_case for variable names (not CamelCase,
  • use <- (not =) for assignment
  • use spacing around most operators and after commas
  • use indentation
  • avoid long lines, break up code blocks with new lines
  • use " for quoting text (not ') unless the text contains double quotes
  • space after # for comments

😩 Ugly code 😩

data=data|>filter(str_detect(description,"OS=Homo sapiens"))|>filter(x1pep=='x')

😩 Ugly code 😩

  • no spacing or indentation
  • inconsistent splitting of code blocks over lines
  • inconsistent use of quote characters
  • no comments
  • variable names convey no meaning
  • use of = for assignment and inconsistently
  • multiple commands on a line
  • library statement in the middle of the analysis

😎 Cool code 😎

# Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Import ------------------------------------------------------------------

# define file name
file <- "../data-raw/Y101_Y102_Y201_Y202_Y101-5.csv"

# import: column headers and data are from row 3
solu_protein <- read_csv(file, skip = 2) |>

# Tidy data ----------------------------------------------------------------

# filter out the bovine proteins and those proteins 
# identified from fewer than 2 peptides
solu_protein <- solu_protein |>
  filter(str_detect(description, "OS=Homo sapiens")) |>
  filter(x1pep == "x")

# Extract the genename from description column to a column
# of its own
solu_protein <- solu_protein |>
  mutate(genename =  str_extract(description,"GN=[^\\s]+") |>
           str_replace("GN=", ""))

# Extract the top protein identifier from accession column (first
# Uniprot ID after "1::") to a column of its own
solu_protein <- solu_protein |>
  mutate(protid =  str_extract(accession, "1::[^;]+") |>
           str_replace("1::", ""))

😎 Cool code 😎

  • library() calls collected

  • Uses code sections to make it easier to navigate

  • Uses white space and proper indentation

  • Commented

  • Uses more informative name for the dataframe

Code ‘algorithmically’

Code ‘algorithmically’

  • Write code which expresses the structure of the problem/solution.

  • Avoid hard coding numbers if at all possible - declare variables instead

  • Declare frequently used values as variables at the start e.g., colour schemes, figure saving settings

😩 Hard coding numbers.

  • Suppose we want to calculate the sums of squares, \(SS(x)\), for the number of eggs in five nests.

  • The formula is given by: \(\sum (x_i- \bar{x})^2\)

  • We could calculate the mean and copy it, and the individual numbers into the formula

😩 Hard coding numbers.

# mean number of eggs per nest
sum(3, 5, 6, 7, 8) / 5
[1] 5.8
# ss(x) of number of eggs
(3 - 5.8)^2 + (5 - 5.8)^2 + (6 - 5.8)^2 + (7 - 5.8)^2 + (8 - 5.8)^2
[1] 14.8

I am coding the calculation of the mean rather using the mean() function only to explain what ‘coding algorithmically’ means using a simple example.

😩 Hard coding numbers

  • if any of the sample numbers must be altered, all the code needs changing

  • it is hard to tell that the output of the first line is a mean

  • its hard to recognise that the numbers in the mean calculation correspond to those in the next calculation

  • it is hard to tell that 5 is just the number of nests

  • no way of know if numbers are the same by coincidence or they refer to the same thing

😎 Better

# eggs each nest
eggs <- c(3, 5, 6, 7, 8)

# mean eggs per nest
mean_eggs <- sum(eggs) / length(eggs)

# ss(x) of number of eggs
sum((eggs - mean_eggs)^2)
[1] 14.8

😎 Better

  • the commenting is similar but it is easier to follow

  • if any of the sample numbers must be altered, only that number needs changing

  • assigning a value you will later use to a variable with a meaningful name allows us to understand the first and second calculations

  • makes use of R’s elementwise calculation which resembles the formula (i.e., is expressed as the general rule)

Naming things

A comic figure is looking over the shoulder of another and is shocked by a list of files with names like 'Untitled 138 copy.docx' and 'Untitled 243.doc'. Caption: 'Protip: Never look in someone else's documents folder'

documents, CC-BY-NC,

Guiding principle - Have a convention! Good file names are:

  • machine readable

  • human readable

  • play nicely with sorting

Naming suggestions

  • no spaces in names

  • use snake_case or kebab-case rather than CamelCase or

  • use all lower case except very occasionally where convention is otherwise, e.g., README, LICENSE

  • ordering: use left-padded numbers e.g., 01, 02….99 or 001, 002….999

  • dates ISO 8601 format: 2020-10-16

  • write down your conventions

Workflow tips

  • multiple cursors

  • open a file/function or find a variable CONTROL+.

  • the command palette CONTROL+SHIFT+P

  • segmenting code CONTROL+SHIFT+R

  • to correct indentation CONTROL+i

  • to reformat code CONTROL+SHIFT+A Not perfect but corrects spacing, indentation, multiple commands on lines and assignment with =

  • to comment and uncomment lines CONTROL+SHIFT+C

  • Tools | Global options | Code | Display | Show margin

  • Tools | Global options | Code | Diagnostic | Provide R style diagnostics

  • GitHub Copilot in RStudio, it’s finally here!

  • It’s all gone wrong, Restart R CONTROL+SHIFT+F10

  • Fira Code


  • Use an RStudio project for any R work (you can also incorporate other languages)

  • Write Cool code not Ugly code: space, consistency, indentation, comments, meaningful variable names

  • Write code which expresses the structure of the problem/solution.

  • Avoid hard coding numbers if at all possible - declare variables instead


Completely optional suggestions for further reading

Pages made with R (R Core Team 2024), Quarto (Allaire et al. 2024), knitr (Xie 2024, 2015, 2014), kableExtra (Zhu 2021)


Allaire, J. J., Charles Teague, Carlos Scheidegger, Yihui Xie, and Christophe Dervieux. 2024. Quarto.”
Bryan, Jennifer. 2018. “Excuse Me, Do You Have a Moment to Talk about Version Control?” Am. Stat. 72 (1): 20–27.
Bryan, Jennifer, Jim Hester, Shannon Pileggi, and E. David Aja. n.d. What They Forgot to Teach You about r.
Markowetz, Florian. 2015. “Five Selfish Reasons to Work Reproducibly.” Genome Biol. 16 (December): 274.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Policy, Global Affairs, Engineering, Medicine Committee on Science, Public Policy, Board on Research Data, et al. 2019. Understanding Reproducibility and Replicability. National Academies Press (US).
OECD Global Science Forum. 2020. “Building Digital Workforce Capacity and Skills for Data-Intensive Science.”
R Core Team. 2024. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Sandve, Geir Kjetil, Anton Nekrutenko, James Taylor, and Eivind Hovig. 2013. “Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Computational Research.” PLoS Comput. Biol. 9 (10): e1003285.
Wilson, Greg, Jennifer Bryan, Karen Cranston, Justin Kitzes, Lex Nederbragt, and Tracy K Teal. 2017. “Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing.” PLoS Comput. Biol. 13 (6): e1005510.
Xie, Yihui. 2014. “Knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R.” In Implementing Reproducible Computational Research, edited by Victoria Stodden, Friedrich Leisch, and Roger D. Peng. Chapman; Hall/CRC.
———. 2015. Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
———. 2024. Knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in r.
Zhu, Hao. 2021. “kableExtra: Construct Complex Table with ’Kable’ and Pipe Syntax.”