FCS file information

Input file name: ECOLIGreen_TNFAPC
Number of events: 50000

Comparison of the number of events stored in the FCS files of the entire dataset. In blue is highlighted the FCS file whose quality control analysis is described in this report.

Quality control analysis


The anomalies were removed from: Flow Rate, Flow Signal and Flow Margin
Anomalies detected in total: 44.96 %
Number of high quality events: 27518

Flow rate check

44.96 % anomalies detected in the flow rate check.

The plot reconstructs the flow rate with a resolution of 1/10 of a second. Anomalies in the flow rate are identified with an algorithm based on the generalied ESD outlier detection method. The anomalies are circled in green.

Signals acquisition check

0 % anomalies detected in the signal aquisition check.

The more stable region selected consistent for all channels is highlighted in yellow. If the removal of outliers has been required before the execution of the changepoint analysis, the detected outliers are cicled in green.

The FCS file was divided in 100 bins, hence each bin contains 500 event(s). The stable region is located between the bins 1 and 100.

More info on the changepoints detected

No changepoints were detected.

Channels excluded from the analysis: .

No changepoints were detected in the channels: Pulse_Width, FS_Lin, FS_Area, FS_Log, SS_Lin, SS_Area, SS_Log, E_coli_FITC_Lin, E_coli_FITC_Area, E_coli_FITC_Log, TNFa_APC_Lin, TNFa_APC_Area, TNFa_APC_Log.

Dynamic range check

0 % anomalies detected in dynamic range check.

More info on the anomalies detected in the dynamic range check

For each channel analyzed, the table shows the number of events that did not pass the dynamic range check:

Channels excluded from the analysis: .