Independent Study to consolidate this week

Introduction to R, RStudio and project organisation

Set up

If you have just opened RStudio you will want to load the tidyverse package


  1. πŸ’» In a maternity hospital, the total numbers of births induced on each day of the week over a six week period were recorded (see table below). Create a plot of these data with the days of week in order.
Number of inductions for each day of the week over six weeks.
Day No. inductions
Monday 43
Tuesday 36
Wednesday 35
Thursday 38
Friday 48
Saturday 26
Sunday 24
Answer - don’t look until you have tried!
# create a dataframe for the data
day <- c("Monday", 
freq <- c(43, 36, 35, 38, 48, 26, 24) 
inductions <- data.frame(day, freq)

# make the order of the days correct rather than alphabetical
inductions <- inductions |> 
  mutate(day = fct_relevel(day, c("Monday",

# plot the data as a barplot with the bars in
ggplot(data = inductions, 
       aes(x = day, y = freq)) +
  geom_col(colour = "black",
           fill = "lightseagreen") +
  scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0),
                   name = "Day of the week") + 
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),
                     name = "Number of inductions",
                     limits = c(0, 55)) +
  1. πŸ“– Read Workflow in RStudio