
Two-way ANOVA


A green striped dragon stands on a scale, noting how their weight is actually greater than what a model predicts it would be. Text reads 'Hi, I'm a 5.1 foot tall striped dragon and my weight is 3.9 tons...but my actual weight is 4.2 tons!' A stylized equation below shows that the residual is calculated by 4.2 - 3.9 = 0.3 tons.

Artwork by Horst (2023):

Session overview

In this workshop you will get practice in applying, interpreting and reporting a two-way ANOVA including the interaction term and post-hoc testing.


Workshops are not a test. It is expected that you often don’t know how to start, make a lot of mistakes and need help. It is expected that you are familiar with independent study content before the workshop. However, you need not remember or understand every detail as the workshop should build and consolidate your understanding. Tips

  • don’t worry about making mistakes
  • don’t let what you can not do interfere with what you can do
  • discussing code with your neighbours will help
  • look things up in the independent study material
  • look things up in your own code from earlier
  • there are no stupid questions

These four symbols are used at the beginning of each instruction so you know where to carry out the instruction.

Something you need to do on your computer. It may be opening programs or documents or locating a file.

Something you should do in RStudio. It will often be typing a command or using the menus but might also be creating folders, locating or moving files.

Something you should do in your browser on the internet. It may be searching for information, going to the VLE or downloading a file.

A question for you to think about and answer. Record your answers in your script for future reference.

Getting started

Start RStudio from the Start menu.

Make an RStudio project for this workshop by clicking on the drop-down menu on top right where it says Project: (None) and choosing New Project, then New Directory, then New Project. Navigate to the data-analysis-in-r-2 folder and name the RStudio Project week-5.

Make new folders called data-raw and figures. You can do this on the Files Pane by clicking New Folder and typing into the box that appears.

Make a new script then save it with a name like two-way-anova.R and load the tidyverse (Wickham et al. 2019) package

Add a comment to the script: # Two-way ANOVA


Effect of brain region and choline deficiency on neuron size

Cognitive performance is influenced by the choline intake in utero. To better understand this phenomenon, pregnant mice were fed a control or choline-deficient diet and their offspring examined. The cross sectional area (CSA) of cholinergic neurons was determined in two brain regions, the MSN and the DB. The data are given in neuron-csa.xlsx. They are organised into two sheets, one for each region. This is quite common to see but it is also common (and perfectly fine) to have all the data in one sheet (in tidy format).

Save a copy of the data file neuron-csa.xlsx to data-raw

You have previously read data from an excel file. As the data are in two sheets we need to know the name of the sheets to import them.

List the the names of the work sheets in the excel workbook.

These data are organised into two worksheets, one for each brain region

Read in each sheet. I used the names db and msn for the two resulting dataframes/tibbles.

We have the top half and the bottom half of a data set and can combine these together with bind_rows()

neuron <- bind_rows(db, msn)

You might want to click on neuron in the environment to open the spreadsheet-like view to check it looks how you expect.

What kind of variables do you have?


When we have a single explanatory variable, it always goes on the x-axis. Here we have two explanatory variables: brain region and diet. We can map one of the explanatory variables to the x-axis and the other to another aesthetic (aes) like colour, shape or fill.

Do a quick plot of the data:

ggplot(data = neuron, aes(x = BrainRegion, y = CSA, fill = Diet)) +

Whether we map BrainRegion or Diet to the x-axis does not matter. It looks as though the cross sectional area of neurons is higher for the control diet than the deficient diet (the average of the read bars is greater than the average of the blue bars). It also looks like there might be a significant interaction between the effects of diet and brain region because the effect of diet seems to be greater in the DB region.

Summarising the data

Just as we needed to incorporate the second explanatory variable in the rough plot, we need to incorporate it into our summary. We do this by adding it to the group_by().

Create a data frame called neuron_summary that contains the means, standard deviations, sample sizes and standard errors for each group:

neuron_summary <- neuron  |> 
  group_by(BrainRegion, Diet) |> 
  summarise(mean = mean(CSA),
            std = sd(CSA),
            n = length(CSA),
            se = std/sqrt(n))

You will get a message that you don’t need to worry about summarise()has grouped output by 'BrainRegion'. You can override using the.groupsargument.>

You should get the following numbers:

BrainRegion Diet mean std n se
DB Control 26.6645 3.633975 10 1.1491638
DB Deficient 21.2245 4.213968 10 1.3325736
MSN Control 20.9695 2.779860 10 0.8790688
MSN Deficient 19.9325 2.560446 10 0.8096842

Applying, interpreting and reporting

We can now carry out a two-way ANOVA using the same lm() function we used for two-sample tests and one-way ANOVA.

Carry out an ANOVA and examine the results with:

mod <- lm(data = neuron, CSA ~ BrainRegion * Diet)

lm(formula = CSA ~ BrainRegion * Diet, data = neuron)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-6.6045 -2.6308  0.0765  2.4820  5.5505 

                             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                    26.664      1.064  25.071  < 2e-16 ***
BrainRegionMSN                 -5.695      1.504  -3.786 0.000560 ***
DietDeficient                  -5.440      1.504  -3.617 0.000907 ***
BrainRegionMSN:DietDeficient    4.403      2.127   2.070 0.045692 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 3.363 on 36 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4034,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.3537 
F-statistic: 8.115 on 3 and 36 DF,  p-value: 0.0002949

Remember: the tilde (~) means test the values in CSA when grouped by the values in BrainRegion and Diet Or explain CSA with BrainRegion and Diet

Can you relate the values under Estimate to the means?

The model of brain region and diet overall explains a significant amount of the variation in the cross sectional area of neurons (p-value: 0.0002949). To see which of the three effects are significant we can use the anova() function on our model.

Determine which effects are significant:

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: CSA
                 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
BrainRegion       1 122.05 122.045 10.7893 0.002280 **
Diet              1 104.88 104.879  9.2717 0.004334 **
BrainRegion:Diet  1  48.47  48.466  4.2846 0.045692 * 
Residuals        36 407.22  11.312                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

There is a significant effect of brain region (F = 10.8; d.f. = 1, 36; p = 0.002) and diet (F = 9.3; d.f. = 1, 36; p = 0.004) on CSA and these effects interact (F = 4.3; d.f. = 1, 36; p = 0.046)

We need a post-hoc test to see which comparisons are significant and can again use then emmeans (Lenth 2024) package.

Load the package

Carry out the post-hoc test

emmeans(mod, ~ BrainRegion * Diet) |> pairs()
 contrast                     estimate  SE df t.ratio p.value
 DB Control - MSN Control        5.695 1.5 36   3.786  0.0030
 DB Control - DB Deficient       5.440 1.5 36   3.617  0.0048
 DB Control - MSN Deficient      6.732 1.5 36   4.476  0.0004
 MSN Control - DB Deficient     -0.255 1.5 36  -0.170  0.9982
 MSN Control - MSN Deficient     1.037 1.5 36   0.689  0.9005
 DB Deficient - MSN Deficient    1.292 1.5 36   0.859  0.8257

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 

Each row is a comparison between the two means in the ‘contrast’ column. The ‘estimate’ column is the difference between those means and the ‘p.value’ indicates whether that difference is significant.

A plot can be used to visualise the result of the post hoc which can be especially useful when there are very many comparisons.

Plot the results of the post-hoc test:

emmeans(mod, ~ BrainRegion * Diet) |> plot()

What do you conclude from the test?

We might report this result as:

A choline-deficient diet in pregnant mice significantly decreases the cross sectional area of cholinergic neurons in the DB region of their offspring (t = 3.62; d.f. = 36; p = 0.0048). The cross sectional area of cholinergic neurons in the MSN region are also significantly smaller than those in the DB region (t = 3.79; d.f. = 36; p = 0.0030) but are not reduces by maternal choline-deficiency.

Check assumptions

The assumptions of the general linear model are that the residuals – the difference between predicted value (i.e., the group mean) and observed values - are normally distributed and have homogeneous variance. To check these we can examine the mod$residuals variable. You may want to refer to Checking assumptions in the “Single regression” workshop.

Plot the model residuals against the fitted values.

What to you conclude?

To examine normality of the model residuals we can plot them as a histogram and do a normality test on them.

Plot a histogram of the residuals.

Use the shapiro.test() to test the normality of the model residuals

What to you conclude?


We are going to create a figure like this:

We will again use both our neuron and neuron_summary dataframes.

Try emulating what you did for one-way ANOVA based on Visualise from the “Summarising data with several variables” workshop (Rand 2023).

ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = neuron, 
             aes(x = BrainRegion, y = CSA),
             position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0),
             colour = "gray50",
             size = 3) +
  geom_errorbar(data = neuron_summary, 
                aes(x = BrainRegion, 
                    ymin = mean - se, 
                    ymax = mean + se),
                width = 0.4) +
  geom_errorbar(data = neuron_summary, 
                aes(x = BrainRegion, 
                    ymin = mean,
                    ymax = mean),
                width = 0.3, 
                linewidth = 1) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "CSA",
                     expand = c(0, 0),
                     limits = c(0, 45)) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "BrainRegion") +

How can we show the two diets separately?

We can map the Diet variable to the shape aesthetic1!

ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = neuron, 
             aes(x = BrainRegion, y = CSA, shape = Diet),
             position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0),
             colour = "gray50",
             size = 3) +
  geom_errorbar(data = neuron_summary, 
                aes(x = BrainRegion, 
                    ymin = mean - se, 
                    ymax = mean + se),
                width = 0.4) +
  geom_errorbar(data = neuron_summary, 
                aes(x = BrainRegion, 
                    ymin = mean,
                    ymax = mean),
                width = 0.3, 
                linewidth = 1) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "CSA",
                     expand = c(0, 0),
                     limits = c(0, 45)) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "BrainRegion") +

Oh, that isn’t quite what we want! We want the two diets side-by-side, not on top of each other. We can achieve that by:

  • setting the position argument to position_jitterdodge() in the geom_point()
  • setting the position argument to position_dodge() in the two geom_errorbar().
  • specifying that the error bars are grouped by Diet since they are not otherwise mapped to a shape, colour or fill.

Put the points and error bars for each diet side by side above each brain region:

ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = neuron, 
             aes(x = BrainRegion, y = CSA, shape = Diet),
             position = position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = 1,
                                             jitter.width = 0.3,
                                             jitter.height = 0),
             colour = "gray50",
             size = 3) +
  geom_errorbar(data = neuron_summary, 
                aes(x = BrainRegion, 
                    ymin = mean - se, 
                    ymax = mean + se,
                    group = Diet),
                width = 0.4,
                position = position_dodge(width = 1)) +
  geom_errorbar(data = neuron_summary, 
                aes(x = BrainRegion, 
                    ymin = mean,
                    ymax = mean,
                    group = Diet),
                width = 0.3, 
                linewidth = 1,
                position = position_dodge(width = 1)) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "CSA",
                     expand = c(0, 0),
                     limits = c(0, 45)) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "BrainRegion") +

Now we need to add the statistical result. You can remind yourself how to do that by looking at the week 3 workshop. Remember, the lines go between two means that differ significantly.

Add the annotation of the statistical results

Finally, we can move the legend to a space on the plot area which helps you minimise the width needed like this:

...... +
  theme(legend.position = "inside",
        legend.position.inside = c(0.15, 0.15),
        legend.background = element_rect(colour = "black"))

legend.position = "inside" puts the legend within the plotting area and the default is to put it right in the middle. A different location is specified with legend.position.inside = c(0.15, 0.15) - and the values are the proportions in the x and y directions respectively.

Save your figure to your figures folder.

You’re finished!

🥳 Well Done! 🎉

A hoard of multiple different dragons stand on scales, shouting out their residuals based on the model estimates (e.g. 'My residual is 0.2 tons! My residual is -0.4 tons! My residual is 0.9 tons!' A histogram to the right shows the distribution of these residuals, with text 'Check: are residuals normally distributed?'

Artwork by Horst (2023):

Independent study following the workshop


The Code file

This contains all the code needed in the workshop even where it is not visible on the webpage.

The workshop.qmd file is the file I use to compile the practical. Qmd stands for Quarto markdown. It allows code and ordinary text to be interweaved to produce well-formatted reports including webpages. View the Qmd in Browser. Coding and thinking answers are marked with #---CODING ANSWER--- and #---THINKING ANSWER---

Pages made with R (R Core Team 2024), Quarto (Allaire et al. 2022), knitr (Xie 2024, 2015, 2014), kableExtra (Zhu 2024)


Allaire, J. J., Charles Teague, Carlos Scheidegger, Yihui Xie, and Christophe Dervieux. 2022. Quarto.
Horst, Allison. 2023. “Data Science Illustrations.”
Lenth, Russell V. 2024. Emmeans: Estimated Marginal Means, Aka Least-Squares Means.
R Core Team. 2024. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Rand, Emma. 2023. Data Analysis in r for Becoming a Bioscientist.
Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019. “Welcome to the Tidyverse 4: 1686.
Xie, Yihui. 2014. “Knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R.” In Implementing Reproducible Computational Research, edited by Victoria Stodden, Friedrich Leisch, and Roger D. Peng. Chapman; Hall/CRC.
———. 2015. Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
———. 2024. Knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in r.
Zhu, Hao. 2024. kableExtra: Construct Complex Table with ’Kable’ and Pipe Syntax.


  1. You might instead map Diet to the colour aesthetic.↩︎